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“Social Learning Mall” by Kehan Lin

    Social learning means that people learn by observing others and imitating others. People will learn. Instead of being limited to the one-way teaching model of traditional classrooms, people can learn from others in their contact with them. The connected curriculum proposed by UCL has given several suggestions and directions for participation in social learning, such as students, teachers, university staff, and other social organizations and institutions. These people will be linked together through different innovative activities, surveys, and courses, which will lead to more multi-directional interactions. So the purpose of my project is to continue the main idea of the connected curriculum and design a school-wide or even social-wide “social activity” on the Cathays campus to involve each of the user groups mentioned above.

    The difficulty of the project lies in the form of activities because each different group has different needs, even students, students of different majors have different connected curriculum, what kind of activities can organize everyone. I will explore from the shopping mall and fairground. The atmosphere of the shopping mall is free, everyone can participate enthusiastically, and there is no need for pressure, just simply hang out in it, which is what the mall wants everyone to do – let people do their best Hang out, show the products inside, and make better profits. In a way, Mall provides a platform for people to communicate in multiple ways. Therefore, what I want to create is a learning mall, it is a place to show everyone’s work just like the retailer stores in a shopping mall for everyone to see each other’s projects to communicate. with each other.

    Hello, this is Kehan Lin, I come from China and now I am a postgraduate student at Cardiff University. I am really interested in the design-research process, through the detailed research I can understand what kind of service the architecture can have to serve the user, to better improve the performance of the architecture.