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“Fused Dimension Learning Space” by Chengxin Ruan

    With advances in technology, higher education faces challenges on how these technologies might affect learning methods and learning spaces. “Fused Dimension Learning Space” will focus on combining digital reality and physical reality to create a new generation learning system that provides solutions for such challenges. This research fuses different physical environments and virtual reality through folding construction.

    About me

    I am Chengxin Ruan, a post-graduate student at Cardiff University. My major is Master of Art, Architecture Design. During the post-graduate period, I focused on combining emerging tech to update learning environments and creating a fused dimension to support updating learning space.

    In my learning career, I am good at handling hybrid scales to create different spaces. Also, I am an expert in Parametric design and analysis. I am using sorts of digital methods to solve design progress problems.

    Facing the challenge is always the main topic in the field of architecture. I hope any other expert and student could join us to build the future.
